With Q-smart E2, achieve ultra high performance with 22" touch-screen functionality.
Q-smart E2 meets all your queue management system needs. The daily process
capacity of system was increased up to 20.000 and which does not slow down forever
with its powerful hardware and the stable Linux-based special operating system at its
Manage your customer relations at the top level with the integrated online appointment
system and customer card management.
- Exterior design can be customizable with several color options and front panel applications
- Online appointment distribution, management and in-branch controls from the Internet.
- Performance reporting over the web browsers (compatible with IPhone, Ipad, Tablet or Computer)
- Remote system management over the web browsers (compatible with IPhone, Ipad, Tablet or Computer)
- 22 inches LED Monitor, Infra Red vadal proof touch screen with the 4096x4096px resolution
- Maintenance-free, industrial type thermal printer with autocutter (50.000km printing, 1milion cut warranty).
- Hidden chassis screws, weldless design and stand with silencer.
- Over 20.000 process capacity on a daily basis
Q-smart E3 Reflex is 19" touch-screen queue management system which meets your all basic queue management needs with its innovative appearance and technology. The exterior appearance of which can be customizable and which will comply with your corporate image. All of the hardware to be needed for the queue management processes (such as thermal printer, main power distributor, interface, converters...) are integrated into it.
Q-smart E3 Reflex, the new generation queue management system, quad-core processors at its heart, solid and secure Linux operating system in its mind.
- Specially designed and developed Linux Operating system by Q-smart.
- 4 x 1.2Ghz Quad Core processors.
- Customizable exterior appearance.
- System and user performance reports over cross platform web based performance reporting system.
- Cross platform supported, web based system, ticket template, queue and user management.
- Maintenance-free industrial thermal printer mechanism with 1.000.000km cut warranty.
- Integrated wireless network communication with 802.11g.
- 4.000 process on daily basis.
Q-smart B2+ is all in one Queue Management System solutions for small and medium size business. Which doesn't need to any additional computer and meets all your queue management system needs with its technological architecture. Q-smart B2+ connects to your wireless network with the integrated WiFi and which can working together WiFi products as wireless on your 802.11g WiFi network. All equipments that will be needed for the queue management systems (such as WiFi, thermal printer, main power distributor, interface, converters…) are integrated inside it. The system manages your Queue System without the need for any other additional computer, equipment or device.
- Specially designed and developed Linux Operating system by Q-smart.
- Wireless network communication with 802.11g.
- Cross platform supported, web based system management.
- System and user performance reports over cross platform web based performance reporting.
- Maintenance-free industrial thermal printer mechanism.
- Lifetime guaranteed queue ticket buttons.
- All alphabets, charsets and languages supported, working compatibly with entire World.
- 3.000 process on daily basis.